If you have recently purchased a new full-size truck with the intention of pressing it into regular trailering service, you most likely sprung for the vehicle manufacturer's "Towing Package". The truck makers have woken up to the fact that they were losing millions of dollars in business to the aftermarket. One sales channel which has been popular has been towing. Following that age-old adage "if you can't beat them, join them", the vehicle manufacturers want you to buy your trailer hitch and all the accompanying accessories directly from them. This will likely include large "towing" mirrors which extend a few inches further from the truck body, helping you to see what's behind that horse trailer you're pulling.
Now, what about the rest of us? Let's say you bought a pre-owned pickup without a towing package. Or you bought your SUV new, but that was a few years ago and a towing package was not available at that time. Maybe your truck is only a year or two old, and you decided just last month to get a pop-up camper which needs to be towed. In all three of these examples, there was no option to purchase a trailering package from the factory. What are you going to do?
Towing Mirrors Variety
When it comes to towing mirrors, CARiD has the answer. Several, in fact. We have a wide variety of towing mirrors for temporary and semi-permanent installation. For the vast majority of these, there is no drilling, and no special tools required. The mirrors can be put on when needed, then removed and stored when not. Although our scope today is on our "temporary towing mirrors", we would be remiss if we did not mention that we do sell replacement OE-style towing mirrors. Please scan our listings from Replace, Sherman, Cipa, and K Source to find the ones to fit your ride. You'll be pleasantly surprised to see the cost savings compared to the similar dealer item. (Be sure to specify if the mirror you need is power, manual, heated, foldable, etc.)

"Universal" and "Vehicle Specific" Temporary Towing Mirrors Types
The temporary towing mirrors fall into two categories: the "universal" type, and the "vehicle specific" type. Cipa makes several different styles of universal mirrors. Their Fender Mount Towing Mirror is installed without the need for tools. Coated grips protect the paint on your car. The Door Mount Towing Mirror differs only in its mounting location. These universal fit products will mount on either the left or right side of your car, and install and uninstall in minutes. Put them on when needed, and take them off when not. It's completely your personal preference when it comes to fender-mounted versus door-mounted. That choice may depend on the size of your trailer and the mirror's best location in order to see behind it.

If your desire is for a mirror that mounts closer to the vehicle's traditional mirror-mounting location, you have several choices. The Curt Tow Mirror Extension attaches to your car or truck's original mirror housing with straps. Similarly, the Cipa Clip-On Towing Mirror comes in a variety of styles, again, attaching to the existing mirror assembly with clips. Both the Curt and Cipa mirrors are universal products.

OE-Style Towing Mirrors
Should you want to purchase something that more closely resembles a factory towing mirror, look no further than the Cipa Extension Towing Mirror. This vehicle-specific product features a plastic housing shaped exactly like your factory mirror housing. The Extension Mirror fits over the housing on your vehicle (no disassembly necessary), and contains a small mirror that is positioned on the outer edge of the OE mirror. To most onlookers, this setup will look factory. Given how "original" this looks, many owners opt to leave the product in place all the time. (Please be aware that Cipa recommends their removal if going through an automatic car wash.)
Even though most people pulling a trailer are doing so in order to engage in some fun "extracurricular" activity, the act of pulling a trailer is serious business. Give yourself every fighting chance you can. The installation of a set of towing mirrors will give you that extra margin of safety. Once you've pulled a trailer with them, you'll wonder how you ever drove without them!