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The Best Storage Solutions For Your Commercial Van

Keeping your van organized reduces search time and boosts productivity. Here, we show you in-vehicle storage solutions with shelves, enclosures, and sliding drawers.
The Best Storage Solutions For Your Commercial Van
Commercial Van Storage Solutions Variety

Whether you carry plumbing fixtures, cable accessories, wiring, or just nuts and bolts in your commercial van, box truck, or minivan, organizing the hardware needed for your business means being able to find anything and everything quickly. This eliminates rooting around through a mish-mash of parts, and it reduces work interruptions for wasted trips back to the van because you accidently grabbed the wrong item. In short, keeping your van organized cuts wasted time, boosts your productivity, and puts more money in your pocket at the end of the day.

Commercial Van Equipment Selection Box

CARiD has you covered with clever and innovative storage solutions that make organization easy. In this article, we'll look at some of the shelving units, enclosed storage boxes, and sliding drawer units we offer in the Commercial Van Equipment section of our website.

A selection box along the left edge of each main section page will let you narrow your search to specific items you're interested in. Unless otherwise noted below, storage products referenced here feature steel construction.

Shelving Units

For best values, we'll start with non-enclosed steel shelf units. Most are contoured to accommodate curved van walls that slope inward toward the roof. However, if you need straight-edged ones to maximize storage in cube vans and box trucks, you'll find such choices in the Product Options field. We've got 2- and 3-shelf setups from Amer-Rac, Kargo Master, Masterack, and Weather Guard. If you're installing a shelf over rear wheel hump areas, look for units that let you place shelves higher up in positions you choose.

Amer-Rac Van Interior Shelving System
Amer-Rac Van Interior Shelving System.
Masterack Aluminum Shelf Module
The Masterack Aluminum Shelf Module.

If you prefer the lightweight and corrosion-resistant nature of aluminum, we've got traditional shelves from Kargo Master and Masterack. We've also got the Masterack Folding Shelving Unit with innovative aluminum shelves that fold up vertically when not in use.

Masterack Folding Shelving Unit
The Masterack Folding Shelving Unit.

While some shelves are open for easy access, others feature high lip edges and back panels. If the shelf unit you prefer doesn't offer the enclosed protection you need, don't let that be a deterrent. We've got add-on lip edges, back panels, end panels, and locking swing-open door panels that can be easily bolted in place. If customizing shelves is your thing, consider starting with Masterack's Open End Shelving Module.

Masterack Shelf Divider Kit

In addition, we've got a huge selection of dividers, bins, tool box cradles, and drop trays to make organization easier for any style of shelves. For ease of installation, we've also got a variety of mounting kits, shelf center supports, and leveling kits.

Masterack Bin Kit

Enclosed Storage Boxes

Storage Modules

We've got storage solutions that are a mix of open and enclosed space. For starters, if you can use a mini workbench, take a look at the Masterack Workbench Module (drawers only on the left side) and the Weather Guard Secure Storage Shelf (drawers in the bottom section).

Storage Modules

Masterack's Cabinet & Drawer Stack Module features a mix of large locker style doors up top, with 8 small slide-out drawers below. Their Cabinet & Tool Drawer Module features one large side-opening door, plus 6 smaller drawers sized for tools from large to small. And if you prefer easy-access storage for smaller bits, the Masterack Parts Cabinet with Dividers is equipped with vertical dividers up top and 18 small slide-out drawers below.

Steel Storage Modules


When you want storage boxes with 100% enclosed protection, we've got a wide selection of cabinet style units. For example, the Masterack Cab Organizer is excellent for paperwork file storage, the Kargo Master Locker is one of many that feature a tall, narrow enclosure, and the Weather Guard CATV Cabinet features 5 fixed shelves.

Weatherguard 8-Drawer Cabinet

For those who prefer toolbox style drawers that slide out, we've got Weatherguard's 8-Drawer Cabinet, Parts Cabinets, and many more variations on this theme.

Cabinet Style Units

Slide-out Shelves & Drawers

You don't need to be a caterer or baker to appreciate slide-out shelves that span the full width of your van from left to right. Once they're set up, simply open the rear cargo doors to access them. They glide out easily.

Masterack Katerack Shelving Module
Masterack Katerack Shelving Module.
Cargo Ease Cargo Ramp
The Cargo Ease Cargo Ramp.

When it comes to multiple shelves, we've got Masterack's Katerack Shelving Module and Rear Pull-Out Drawer System. If you prefer a single slide-out shelf that can be used as a loading ramp, we've got a number of sizes available from Cargo Ease.

Decked Cargo Van Storage System
The Decked Cargo Van Storage System.

We've also got a selection of enclosed drawers that are accessed from the rear. For example, the Decked Cargo Van Storage System creates a raised cargo floor surface that can support 2,000 pounds. Underneath that floor, 2 full length slide-out drawers hold 200 pounds of materials each. Additionally, the Weather Guard Itemizer Lateral Drawer Unit is available with 1 to 4 slide-out drawers that sit side by side.

Weather Guard Itemizer Lateral Drawer Unit
The Weather Guard Itemizer Lateral Drawer Unit.

Kargo Master's Rotating Wheel Well Stand is designed to mount on top of a rear well hump, then pivot toward the center of the van for easy access. Positive stops lock the cabinet in either position, and 3 pull-out drawers slide open toward the rear cargo door.

Kargo Master Rotating Wheel Well Stand
The Kargo Master Rotating Wheel Well Stand.

And finally, to provide cushioning and prevent metal-on-metal rattling over bumps, we have a variety of cargo mats and liners.

When you consider the high quality, high functionality, and ease of installation our van storage solutions provide, installing one or more of them should be a no-brainer. In fact, the most difficult decision you'll face is deciding exactly which product among all these choices will work best for you!

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