As night approaches and outdoor temperatures decrease, your tire pressures may drop below the parameters you have set, thus causing an out of spec alarm. When temperatures drop, turn your monitor off overnight. As the air temperature rises the next day or as you start driving, the tires will also heat up and come back into your parameters. You can also add air to your tires to bring them back into the parameters you set up.
The high-pressure alarm cannot go lower than the lowpressure alarm default setting. If your tire pressure settings are below 100 lbs., you must first set the lowpressure alarm and then come back to the high-pressure settings using the “MODE” button and set the axles highpressure alarm. When done, be sure to press and release the “SET” button to save all the parameter settings. See “Parameter Settings” above.
In every instance, the tire Pressure and Temperature numbers will also flash when the tire having the problem flashes. The lower red alarm light will also flash.
To electronically disconnect the trailer tire icons from the screen: